And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Acts 2:42
Tribes are what we are all about as a church…and it’s where we got our name from. We want to be a church of small groups (which we call a Tribe). When you find your Tribe, you find a group of people that stick by you in your faith journey and help you chase after Jesus. Our Tribes meet regularly in homes throughout our community mid-week.
The first step for connecting to a Tribe is to attend Rooted.
The first step for connecting to a Tribe is to attend Rooted.
Rooted is a 10-week spiritual journey set in a small group format. This simple, yet powerful workbook has daily Scripture readings to help guide you to a deeper understanding of what being rooted in Christ truly looks like. In Rooted, you will have weekly group discussion, engage in group prayer time, an outside serve project, and other spiritual rhythms all aimed at helping you connect with God, the Church and your purpose.
Rooted is the next step for getting into a Tribe here at Tribes Church. We ask all adults to go through Rooted before joining a Tribe. Often we find that Rooted groups stick together and form a Tribe at the end of the 10-week journey, however that is not a requirement.
We offer Rooted each Spring and Fall. For more info and to register click below.
Rooted is the next step for getting into a Tribe here at Tribes Church. We ask all adults to go through Rooted before joining a Tribe. Often we find that Rooted groups stick together and form a Tribe at the end of the 10-week journey, however that is not a requirement.
We offer Rooted each Spring and Fall. For more info and to register click below.

Already been through Rooted and looking to connect to a new Tribe? Click below to head to our Tribe Finder page and see what's available.
Have questions about Rooted, connecting to a Tribe or something else? Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch to help out.