We MULTIPLY by making disciples who become disciple-makers.
Multiply Project
Multiply is more than just a building project, it's a shared mission to help more people in our area find and follow Jesus. We are asking God to multiply our impact in Argyle, Northlake and beyond. In order to do this, we need everyone at Tribes to make 2 commitments:
Each One, Reach One
Imagine the impact in our community if everyone at Tribes would commit to reaching someone for Jesus during this Project. Begin praying now for someone you can share the good news of Jesus with, and invite into a discipleship journey with you. To help you along, we want to introduce a great resource to guide you and another person into a discipleship relationship: Multiply. Multiply is a book by Francis Chan, as well as a website will helpful tips and videos for the mentor (you) as you guide someone new on a faith journey. Head on over to MultiplyMovement.com for more info and to download a free digital copy of the book today!
Each One, Give Some
We believe God is leading us to build a simple building on our property on FM407 to help facilitate more ministry and Multiply our reach in our community. This dream comes with a development cost of $5 million, and we need to raise $1 million before we can begin meeting in that facility. For this reason we are beginning a 3 year giving project where we are asking families to consider making a one time gift on December 10th to kickstart our efforts, as well a monthly recurring gift above your regular giving over the next 3 years.
But here is the most important number, 100%. If 100% of the people at Tribes will get involved, financially, we believe God will Multiply what we give and accomplish more than we can dream. We are asking everyone at Tribes to prayerfully consider what they can contribute, above their regular giving at Tribes, to help us accomplish this goal.
You can give to the Multiply Project now below, or let us know how you plan to give in the future by filling out the Commitment Card below.
But here is the most important number, 100%. If 100% of the people at Tribes will get involved, financially, we believe God will Multiply what we give and accomplish more than we can dream. We are asking everyone at Tribes to prayerfully consider what they can contribute, above their regular giving at Tribes, to help us accomplish this goal.
You can give to the Multiply Project now below, or let us know how you plan to give in the future by filling out the Commitment Card below.
More to Multiply...
There is more to Multiply than just a discipleship movement and building project here in our community. We also want to Multiply what God is doing around the world. For this reason, we are also committing to use part of what is raised in the Multiply Project to help bless a missions partner in the Dominican Republic. Pastor Carlos and his family have been ministering to families in Bonao for years. This Summer we took a missions team to the DR, and discovered they have outgrown their meeting space for their church gatherings, children's and education programs in the community. From money we will raise in the Multiply Project we will help Pastor Carlos purchase two acres of land, pictured below, for them to develop in the future so their ministry can continue to grow.

Vision and Ministries
Why are we looking to build a church and why now?
We believe that this is God’s direction for Tribes Church in order to better reach our community for Jesus and multiply disciples in our area. This has been validated by our board as well as others inside our local congregation. The charge to ask for funding from the congregation has not taken place without much prayer, advice, and discussion. We believe that we must begin to raise capital to build. We will leave the timing of building up to the Father.
How does a building align with our vision as a church?
We exist to help people find and follow Jesus. A building is just a building. It is not the church. However, a facility will help facilitate ministry. We feel strongly that a physical location will assist us in ministering to people across the local community in a variety of ways described later in this FAQ.
How will having a building help Tribes Church reach the community for Christ?
Simply put, we want to multiply the kingdom of Heaven. We believe this happens best as we all make a commitment together: “Each one, reach one.” This means seeing our church members commit to helping people who don't know Jesus come to accept Him as Lord and Savior. But it doesn’t end there. Multiply isn’t just about helping people find Jesus, but also helping them follow him in their daily lives. Which is why we are challenging our people to help walk with those they are reaching through a discipleship plan.
We believe that a physical building will help catalyze this movement in a variety of ways.
Weekly Tribe meetings - These can continue in homes but could also take place in our church building during the week.
Men’s and Women's events - We could now offer more targeted discipleship opportunities as we would have a facility to actually meet in.
Mothers Day Out - We would love to begin a preschool for children in our area over time and assist families with cost effective child care.
Youth activities - Our youth ministry has been growing rapidly. They would now have a home base for indoor and outdoor activities that focus on Jesus. We desire to see the next generation grow into mature believers.
Local community gatherings - most churches sit empty during the week. We would like for Tribes Church to be a place the community could use. This could include things like homeschool co-ops, Boy Scout Troop meetings, Sewing Circles…anything that helps foster community and promote the Good News of Jesus.
Celebrations - We want to be a place where the most important life events can be celebrated, like weddings and funerals. We want this building to be a place where we can celebrate life together as well as comfort the broken hearted.
Children - Having actual classroom space will allow our teachers to teach the good news to children in an environment that is not so distracting.
Recovery Ministry - People are hurting, and as a church we would like to be in a position to assist God’s children who are in crisis. Sometimes God moves in an instant but many times healing takes place over time. The building could be a place to host groups facilitating this healing and sharing similar experiences from which others have found freedom.
How has God confirmed that we should build at this time?
Our board has affirmed this as well as many people inside our congregation. Did our leadership hear an audible “BUILD NOW!” voice from heaven? The answer would be no. Have we heard the still small voice of His Spirit push us in this direction? Yes. This has been confirmed by many in our church, as well as shown in the sign of who God has gathered to this church. Over the last two years, God has drawn people with incredible gifts (architecture, construction, real estate, etc) into a team of volunteers who have formed the building committee that has helped organize our next steps. His timing is perfect, and his Church is equipped with everything it needs to move forward with His plan.
What have other portable churches in our area, who have built, experienced as far as growth goes?
We have been able to speak with several congregations that have moved from portable to permanent facilities. They have told us that the building process and capital fund raising process is very stressful but also very rewarding.
To see people step out in faith and follow the Holy Spirit's prompting is an amazing thing to behold.
Some used outside organizations to help raise money and others did not. At Tribes Church we have decided to simply tell our people what we believe God is doing. We don't need a big thermometer to measure progress, or an outside “expert” to serve as a consultant in this journey. We will leave it up to the Holy Spirit. We believe our people will prayerfully ask the Father what they should do.
Two churches in high growth areas similar to ours saw attendance more than double by the end of the first year of the facility’s opening. This is an exciting thought, which also comes with many needs as far as staffing, leadership and ministry structure is concerned. We need to plan as best as we can for growth, while also trusting that God will guide as we step out in faith.
Why are we looking to build a church and why now?
We believe that this is God’s direction for Tribes Church in order to better reach our community for Jesus and multiply disciples in our area. This has been validated by our board as well as others inside our local congregation. The charge to ask for funding from the congregation has not taken place without much prayer, advice, and discussion. We believe that we must begin to raise capital to build. We will leave the timing of building up to the Father.
How does a building align with our vision as a church?
We exist to help people find and follow Jesus. A building is just a building. It is not the church. However, a facility will help facilitate ministry. We feel strongly that a physical location will assist us in ministering to people across the local community in a variety of ways described later in this FAQ.
How will having a building help Tribes Church reach the community for Christ?
Simply put, we want to multiply the kingdom of Heaven. We believe this happens best as we all make a commitment together: “Each one, reach one.” This means seeing our church members commit to helping people who don't know Jesus come to accept Him as Lord and Savior. But it doesn’t end there. Multiply isn’t just about helping people find Jesus, but also helping them follow him in their daily lives. Which is why we are challenging our people to help walk with those they are reaching through a discipleship plan.
We believe that a physical building will help catalyze this movement in a variety of ways.
Weekly Tribe meetings - These can continue in homes but could also take place in our church building during the week.
Men’s and Women's events - We could now offer more targeted discipleship opportunities as we would have a facility to actually meet in.
Mothers Day Out - We would love to begin a preschool for children in our area over time and assist families with cost effective child care.
Youth activities - Our youth ministry has been growing rapidly. They would now have a home base for indoor and outdoor activities that focus on Jesus. We desire to see the next generation grow into mature believers.
Local community gatherings - most churches sit empty during the week. We would like for Tribes Church to be a place the community could use. This could include things like homeschool co-ops, Boy Scout Troop meetings, Sewing Circles…anything that helps foster community and promote the Good News of Jesus.
Celebrations - We want to be a place where the most important life events can be celebrated, like weddings and funerals. We want this building to be a place where we can celebrate life together as well as comfort the broken hearted.
Children - Having actual classroom space will allow our teachers to teach the good news to children in an environment that is not so distracting.
Recovery Ministry - People are hurting, and as a church we would like to be in a position to assist God’s children who are in crisis. Sometimes God moves in an instant but many times healing takes place over time. The building could be a place to host groups facilitating this healing and sharing similar experiences from which others have found freedom.
How has God confirmed that we should build at this time?
Our board has affirmed this as well as many people inside our congregation. Did our leadership hear an audible “BUILD NOW!” voice from heaven? The answer would be no. Have we heard the still small voice of His Spirit push us in this direction? Yes. This has been confirmed by many in our church, as well as shown in the sign of who God has gathered to this church. Over the last two years, God has drawn people with incredible gifts (architecture, construction, real estate, etc) into a team of volunteers who have formed the building committee that has helped organize our next steps. His timing is perfect, and his Church is equipped with everything it needs to move forward with His plan.
What have other portable churches in our area, who have built, experienced as far as growth goes?
We have been able to speak with several congregations that have moved from portable to permanent facilities. They have told us that the building process and capital fund raising process is very stressful but also very rewarding.
To see people step out in faith and follow the Holy Spirit's prompting is an amazing thing to behold.
Some used outside organizations to help raise money and others did not. At Tribes Church we have decided to simply tell our people what we believe God is doing. We don't need a big thermometer to measure progress, or an outside “expert” to serve as a consultant in this journey. We will leave it up to the Holy Spirit. We believe our people will prayerfully ask the Father what they should do.
Two churches in high growth areas similar to ours saw attendance more than double by the end of the first year of the facility’s opening. This is an exciting thought, which also comes with many needs as far as staffing, leadership and ministry structure is concerned. We need to plan as best as we can for growth, while also trusting that God will guide as we step out in faith.

Property Specifics
Please describe what the property will look like when it is completely built out.
We have a three phase building plan for our property that allows us to take immediate steps to build that are within our financial reach, and also allow us to accommodate significant growth in the future.
Phase 1 – This was to acquire property to build on. We purchased 7 acres on Hwy 407 in Argyle, Texas about two years ago. The purchase price was $487k. We currently have an equity position in this property of appx. $143k.
Phase 2 – Our next step is to build a simple but well designed, metal building to support our church and move us out of a portable church setting. This building will be appx 10,000 square feet. Our sanctuary will seat appx 290 people with enough class space for our children’s ministry to meet at the same time, and youth ministry to use on Sunday evenings. Our intention is to immediately move to multiple services every Sunday morning to support the growth we anticipate in our first year after we occupy the facility. Click here to see the floor plan for this building. (Image carousel here)
Phase 3 – On the back side of our property we have plans to build a larger facility over time that would be around 20,000 square feet, and seat appx 500+ in weekly attendance and additional children’s classroom space. We believe that is part of the 5 year plan after occupying our Phase 2 building. Our Phase 2 building would then be converted to support a 5 day per week preschool program and have additional youth and children’s ministry space for mid-week activities. See the above image for what a potential site plan would look like with both buildings.
Have we looked for existing buildings that could be renovated rather than having to "ground up" a new build?
Yes we have looked at this in many ways over the last 4 years, all of which have been closed doors. Once we made the decision to purchase the property however, our focus has been primarily on building at that location.
Will the classroom space be similar to our current gym set up or actual rooms with doors and hallways etc.? Will we still use portable walls?
We will have actual classroom space in the children's area. While the layout of the space will be similar to our existing setup, we will not need to set up portable walls. We will also have a central area with a small stage where we can continue with live Bible teaching, youth led drama, story telling, and have worship time with the children as is their schedule now.
Will there be Youth space? Men's space? Women's space? Kitchen area? Multi-purpose area?
There would not be dedicated space in the facility for anything but a main auditorium and children’s areas. The auditorium area, however, will be quite changeable and will facilitate men’s, women’s, and youth on a weekly basis. We are not looking to have a kitchen area in the new facility but will have a hospitality area for brewing coffee, serving meals and other functions in the lobby.
Why is our location a good one?
According to WFAA news here in Dallas, no other metro area in the nation experienced as much growth as DFW from 2020-2021, and Denton county was one of the top 3 fastest growing counties in the nation during that time. Northlake, Argyle, and the surrounding areas in southwest Denton County are uniquely positioned to explode with growth as the area continues to transition from rural to suburban development. This is in part due to the fact that our area sits within the existing highway system that has been long established. The Texas Dept. of Transportation recently approved a $1 Billion dollar bond for the expansion of 35W from Alliance area to Highway 380 in Denton, which will serve as the hub of the explosive growth projected.
The Ridge Northlake, a new home development less than 1 mile from the school where we meet, recently published an article stating there is a projected 50% growth rate for the Northlake area over the next decade.
Argyle ISD (the district from whom we rent our weekly meeting space) recently updated their Strategic Growth Plan which showed their student population growth in recent years. In 2017, when Tribes first began interest meetings and a weekly Bible study before our Grand Opening, the district had 2460 students. In January of this year, Argyle saw its 5000th student enrollment, and with the projected home permits in our area, AISD is expecting to see a student population of 12,000 students by the 2032-2033 school year!
We are strategically located to reach many of the families moving to this area in the years ahead and are building our staff, ministries, and programs to accommodate that growth as we continue in our mission of helping people find and follow Jesus.
Why another church in Argyle, on the “Highway to Heaven”?
Because we believe that God has called us to minister to this community and we want to be faithful to His call. We also celebrate what God is doing through the other local churches in our community and believe we are all called to work together to advance His Kingdom together.
Costs to Build
How much money are we looking to raise for Phase 2? Is there a "go/ no-go" $$ amount of pledges/commitments in order to build or start building?
Phase 2 is estimated to cost approximately $5 million. This can change as construction costs and interest rates morph over time. We have begun discussions with three financing companies. Until we understand how much the people from our church are willing to commit, we will not be able to lock in on timing for construction. With respect to a “go-no go,” there are several factors at play. In total, we need to raise $1 million before we can occupy the building. We must have enough money to make the down payment, interim construction loan payments and continue to pay for current day-to-day operations of the church during the build period. The build period for Phase 2 will take about one year to complete. Of that $1 million, we need a minimum of $700,000 to make the down payment and begin construction.
During construction, we will begin interest payments on the building. Also, once we occupy the building, we will see our monthly expenses increase dramatically. The additional $300,000 of the total $1 million goal for the Multiply Project will help with those expenses as our congregation grows into our new facility.
In order to meet our new operations budget and building payment long term, our church will need to grow and our members continue to give regularly.
What happens if we don’t raise enough money to build?
If we do not raise enough capital to begin construction, we will simply begin to save what people give and wait to build until we have enough funding. God knows the timing, we are just announcing the vision for the next steps and trusting in His provision.
Time Frame
When does the capital campaign start and how long will it run?
Our campaign begins on Nov 12. We are asking for people to prayerfully consider donating to the building fund. This giving needs to be above and beyond our current contributions. On Sunday, December 10th, we will have a First Give Sunday, where we will ask people to turn in their commitment cards and give any one time donations to help kick-start the campaign. The duration of this campaign is 36 months. As you can see we do need a significant amount of capital to begin building, so if you are able to provide an up front gift and then a monthly contribution that would help our church begin the building process more quickly.
How long until we would be using the building full time? From the time we break ground, how long would it take until we could occupy the building?
Our general contractor tells us that a building this size will take about a year to complete from the time we break ground. We will break ground once $700,000 comes in to the Multiply Project so we can make the down payment and begin construction.
Local Tribes Planning Team
Do we have experts or competency in Tribes Church "members" to oversee/explore this possibility with some confidence? What specific skills or knowledge/background do they bring to support this process?
Our building team has been wonderful. We have three sub teams in place as follows:
Building Details - This team has been working with our general contractor to actually determine the size and placement of the building on the property.
Craig Wederman- Craig Leads this subteam and is an architect who assists commercial companies build
Randy Fite- Randy oversees all the buildings for L.I.S.D.
Terry Dalton- Works for an air conditioning company that assists churches in supporting their heating and cooling needs
Jeremy Irwin- Jeremy owns a local construction company that specializes in residential construction and remodeling
Brandon McClure- Brandon is our staff liaison from this committee
Financial Details- This team has been working to garner the necessary financing to actually build the facility
Don Brumbaugh- Don leads this team. He negotiated union contracts for Southwest Airlines for many years
Kendall Johnson- 20 years of real estate investing experience.
Debra Sieben- Debra is a local realtor in the Argyle area
David Stearns- David is our staff liaison for this committee
Church Launch Prep Details- This team has been working to determine what is needed to present to our church as we begin the capital campaign. This committee is primarily made up of full-time and part-time staff with some super creatives from the congregation as well.
Gavin Papit- Gavin leads this team. He is our senior pastor.
Crystal Crabil- Crystal is on staff as Connections Coordinator and helps with events as well as recruiting and scheduling our Serve Team volunteers. She loves helping people connect to the mission of the Church.
Kelli Cool- Kelli is our church admin who keeps everything organized and on task. She also runs our website, app and social media, and loves planning creative displays in the lobby.
Melody Stearns- Melody is a creative at heart and serves our church in a variety of ways. She was an English teacher by trade and will gladly grammar-check you!
Please describe what the property will look like when it is completely built out.
We have a three phase building plan for our property that allows us to take immediate steps to build that are within our financial reach, and also allow us to accommodate significant growth in the future.
Phase 1 – This was to acquire property to build on. We purchased 7 acres on Hwy 407 in Argyle, Texas about two years ago. The purchase price was $487k. We currently have an equity position in this property of appx. $143k.
Phase 2 – Our next step is to build a simple but well designed, metal building to support our church and move us out of a portable church setting. This building will be appx 10,000 square feet. Our sanctuary will seat appx 290 people with enough class space for our children’s ministry to meet at the same time, and youth ministry to use on Sunday evenings. Our intention is to immediately move to multiple services every Sunday morning to support the growth we anticipate in our first year after we occupy the facility. Click here to see the floor plan for this building. (Image carousel here)
Phase 3 – On the back side of our property we have plans to build a larger facility over time that would be around 20,000 square feet, and seat appx 500+ in weekly attendance and additional children’s classroom space. We believe that is part of the 5 year plan after occupying our Phase 2 building. Our Phase 2 building would then be converted to support a 5 day per week preschool program and have additional youth and children’s ministry space for mid-week activities. See the above image for what a potential site plan would look like with both buildings.
Have we looked for existing buildings that could be renovated rather than having to "ground up" a new build?
Yes we have looked at this in many ways over the last 4 years, all of which have been closed doors. Once we made the decision to purchase the property however, our focus has been primarily on building at that location.
Will the classroom space be similar to our current gym set up or actual rooms with doors and hallways etc.? Will we still use portable walls?
We will have actual classroom space in the children's area. While the layout of the space will be similar to our existing setup, we will not need to set up portable walls. We will also have a central area with a small stage where we can continue with live Bible teaching, youth led drama, story telling, and have worship time with the children as is their schedule now.
Will there be Youth space? Men's space? Women's space? Kitchen area? Multi-purpose area?
There would not be dedicated space in the facility for anything but a main auditorium and children’s areas. The auditorium area, however, will be quite changeable and will facilitate men’s, women’s, and youth on a weekly basis. We are not looking to have a kitchen area in the new facility but will have a hospitality area for brewing coffee, serving meals and other functions in the lobby.
Why is our location a good one?
According to WFAA news here in Dallas, no other metro area in the nation experienced as much growth as DFW from 2020-2021, and Denton county was one of the top 3 fastest growing counties in the nation during that time. Northlake, Argyle, and the surrounding areas in southwest Denton County are uniquely positioned to explode with growth as the area continues to transition from rural to suburban development. This is in part due to the fact that our area sits within the existing highway system that has been long established. The Texas Dept. of Transportation recently approved a $1 Billion dollar bond for the expansion of 35W from Alliance area to Highway 380 in Denton, which will serve as the hub of the explosive growth projected.
The Ridge Northlake, a new home development less than 1 mile from the school where we meet, recently published an article stating there is a projected 50% growth rate for the Northlake area over the next decade.
Argyle ISD (the district from whom we rent our weekly meeting space) recently updated their Strategic Growth Plan which showed their student population growth in recent years. In 2017, when Tribes first began interest meetings and a weekly Bible study before our Grand Opening, the district had 2460 students. In January of this year, Argyle saw its 5000th student enrollment, and with the projected home permits in our area, AISD is expecting to see a student population of 12,000 students by the 2032-2033 school year!
We are strategically located to reach many of the families moving to this area in the years ahead and are building our staff, ministries, and programs to accommodate that growth as we continue in our mission of helping people find and follow Jesus.
Why another church in Argyle, on the “Highway to Heaven”?
Because we believe that God has called us to minister to this community and we want to be faithful to His call. We also celebrate what God is doing through the other local churches in our community and believe we are all called to work together to advance His Kingdom together.
Costs to Build
How much money are we looking to raise for Phase 2? Is there a "go/ no-go" $$ amount of pledges/commitments in order to build or start building?
Phase 2 is estimated to cost approximately $5 million. This can change as construction costs and interest rates morph over time. We have begun discussions with three financing companies. Until we understand how much the people from our church are willing to commit, we will not be able to lock in on timing for construction. With respect to a “go-no go,” there are several factors at play. In total, we need to raise $1 million before we can occupy the building. We must have enough money to make the down payment, interim construction loan payments and continue to pay for current day-to-day operations of the church during the build period. The build period for Phase 2 will take about one year to complete. Of that $1 million, we need a minimum of $700,000 to make the down payment and begin construction.
During construction, we will begin interest payments on the building. Also, once we occupy the building, we will see our monthly expenses increase dramatically. The additional $300,000 of the total $1 million goal for the Multiply Project will help with those expenses as our congregation grows into our new facility.
In order to meet our new operations budget and building payment long term, our church will need to grow and our members continue to give regularly.
What happens if we don’t raise enough money to build?
If we do not raise enough capital to begin construction, we will simply begin to save what people give and wait to build until we have enough funding. God knows the timing, we are just announcing the vision for the next steps and trusting in His provision.
Time Frame
When does the capital campaign start and how long will it run?
Our campaign begins on Nov 12. We are asking for people to prayerfully consider donating to the building fund. This giving needs to be above and beyond our current contributions. On Sunday, December 10th, we will have a First Give Sunday, where we will ask people to turn in their commitment cards and give any one time donations to help kick-start the campaign. The duration of this campaign is 36 months. As you can see we do need a significant amount of capital to begin building, so if you are able to provide an up front gift and then a monthly contribution that would help our church begin the building process more quickly.
How long until we would be using the building full time? From the time we break ground, how long would it take until we could occupy the building?
Our general contractor tells us that a building this size will take about a year to complete from the time we break ground. We will break ground once $700,000 comes in to the Multiply Project so we can make the down payment and begin construction.
Local Tribes Planning Team
Do we have experts or competency in Tribes Church "members" to oversee/explore this possibility with some confidence? What specific skills or knowledge/background do they bring to support this process?
Our building team has been wonderful. We have three sub teams in place as follows:
Building Details - This team has been working with our general contractor to actually determine the size and placement of the building on the property.
Craig Wederman- Craig Leads this subteam and is an architect who assists commercial companies build
Randy Fite- Randy oversees all the buildings for L.I.S.D.
Terry Dalton- Works for an air conditioning company that assists churches in supporting their heating and cooling needs
Jeremy Irwin- Jeremy owns a local construction company that specializes in residential construction and remodeling
Brandon McClure- Brandon is our staff liaison from this committee
Financial Details- This team has been working to garner the necessary financing to actually build the facility
Don Brumbaugh- Don leads this team. He negotiated union contracts for Southwest Airlines for many years
Kendall Johnson- 20 years of real estate investing experience.
Debra Sieben- Debra is a local realtor in the Argyle area
David Stearns- David is our staff liaison for this committee
Church Launch Prep Details- This team has been working to determine what is needed to present to our church as we begin the capital campaign. This committee is primarily made up of full-time and part-time staff with some super creatives from the congregation as well.
Gavin Papit- Gavin leads this team. He is our senior pastor.
Crystal Crabil- Crystal is on staff as Connections Coordinator and helps with events as well as recruiting and scheduling our Serve Team volunteers. She loves helping people connect to the mission of the Church.
Kelli Cool- Kelli is our church admin who keeps everything organized and on task. She also runs our website, app and social media, and loves planning creative displays in the lobby.
Melody Stearns- Melody is a creative at heart and serves our church in a variety of ways. She was an English teacher by trade and will gladly grammar-check you!